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Piers Morgan: Arteta is the Next Guardiola in Football

Piers Morgan on Mikel Arteta: The Natural Successor to Pep Guardiola

In a recent episode of William Hill’s podcast, Up Front with Simon Jordan, Piers Morgan shared his opinions on Arsenal’s head coach, Mikel Arteta. Morgan’s reflections not only praise Arteta but also delve into the potential he holds to succeed Pep Guardiola as the best coach in world football.

Mikel Arteta: The Next Pep Guardiola?

Piers Morgan didn’t hold back his admiration for Arteta, stating, “I think Mikel Arteta is the natural successor in world football to become the next Pep Guardiola. I cannot speak any higher of everything about him.” This bold declaration underscores the high esteem in which Morgan holds Arteta, predicting that he will soon lead Arsenal to Premier League glory.

Morgan elaborated on his belief that Arteta has what it takes to follow in Guardiola’s footsteps. He noted, “If next season is Guardiola’s last, then he’ll be determined to go out with five on the bounce and I think he’s now the best manager in history and has got a great claim for that. I always thought it was Sir Alex Ferguson, but I think Pep is just incredible.”

This comparison to managerial legends like Ferguson and Guardiola highlights the significant impact Arteta has had in a relatively short time.

Arteta’s Transformative Impact on Players

A key measure of a manager’s success is their ability to improve their players. On this front, Morgan sees Arteta excelling. “I always look at managers and think whether they improve players. Sir Alex won his final season at United with a pretty ropey team, but he was able to make s*** players shine. This is where Arteta has been brilliant, when you look at players like Martin Ødegaard, how he’s improved under him, Declan Rice has hit another gear already.”

Morgan’s point is clear: Arteta has a knack for elevating the performance of his players, which is a hallmark of a great manager. The improvement seen in players like Ødegaard and Rice is a testament to Arteta’s coaching abilities and his potential to become one of the greatest.

Doubts and Turnarounds

Despite his current admiration, Morgan wasn’t always a supporter of Arteta. He candidly admitted, “I wouldn’t have given Mikel Arteta that new three-year contract when we’d gone two seasons losing 13 league games each season. But I was wrong. Arteta has turned out to be a fantastic appointment for Arsenal, it just took two years for him to realise his promise.”

Morgan’s initial skepticism was shared by many Arsenal fans. “Most Arsenal fans after those first two seasons under Arteta were grumbling that he got the job too early and wasn’t ready. Watching the documentary on Amazon, I thought at the start that I was right, but as it went on, I noticed two changes – the players started to gravitate towards him, and the fans got onboard with him too.”

Arteta’s Connection with Fans and Players

One of the most striking changes under Arteta’s leadership has been the renewed bond between the team and its supporters. Morgan vividly described this transformation, “When I was at the Emirates for the final game of the season, the atmosphere was like nothing I’d ever heard at that stadium – ever. Arteta has created a very special bond between the fans, the players and the staff, and I take my hat off to him.”

This growing connection is not just a testament to Arteta’s tactical acumen but also his ability to foster a sense of unity and purpose within the club. It’s a crucial element in building a successful team, and Arteta seems to have mastered it.

Patience and Long-term Vision

Reflecting on managerial patience, Morgan drew parallels with other high-profile coaching tenures. “I often think about David Moyes when he took over at Manchester United and he was given nine months, maybe United could have spared themselves a lot of pain if they’d given him the kind of patience they’d given Sir Alex Ferguson when he joined.”

This observation underscores a broader lesson in football management: the importance of giving managers time to implement their vision. Arteta’s journey with Arsenal highlights how patience and support from the club can eventually yield significant rewards.

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