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Report: Norwich Set Price for Celtic Target

Adam Idah’s Celtic Conundrum: Transfer Uncertainty Looms

As the transfer window creaks open, Adam Idah’s future hangs in the balance, caught between a successful stint at Celtic and a return to his parent club, Norwich City. This situation, detailed in a recent Daily Record article, captures the quintessential summer transfer limbo many players find themselves in.

A Stellar Season and the Allure of Celtic

Adam Idah’s time at Celtic has been nothing short of a fairy tale. Clinching a last-minute winner against Old Firm rivals Rangers in the Scottish Cup final has cemented his place in the hearts of the Celtic faithful and spiked the club’s interest in making his move permanent. Brendan Rodgers, the man at the helm, sees Idah as a crucial piece of the puzzle for Celtic’s future ambitions. Yet, despite the mutual admiration and the clear desire from Celtic’s side, the path to a permanent transfer is muddled by negotiations and evaluations far from Idah’s control.


Norwich’s New Regime and Idah’s Role

With Norwich appointing Johannes Hoff Thorup as the new manager, every player’s future, including Idah’s, is up for reassessment. Thorup’s plans and the valuation of Idah, set at a minimum of £6 million by Norwich, are central to any decision on the forward’s future. Idah, aware of the complexities, stated, “Celtic is a massive club built off the fans. Playing games like the Cup Final and scoring the winner, I’m sure the fans will appreciate it, and I appreciate them just as much.”

Transfer Dilemmas and Player Focus

Amid this transfer uncertainty, Idah’s immediate focus remains on international duties with Ireland and the upcoming friendly against Portugal. This professional approach reflects his commitment to responsibilities despite the swirling transfer speculation. “I’ve never been in this situation before and know little about how it works. We’re on internationals right now, and that is my main focus,” Idah remarked, emphasizing his dedication to the national team despite personal career uncertainties.

What Lies Ahead for Idah?

As the summer progresses, Idah’s situation epitomizes football transfers’ often complex and drawn-out nature. While Celtic and their supporters hold their breath for a favourable outcome, Norwich’s new managerial perspective and the evaluation period could dictate a different path. The coming weeks will be crucial in determining whether Idah’s future lies at Carrow Road or if he can return to the adoring Parkhead crowd full-time.

In conclusion, Adam Idah’s career is at a pivotal junction. His talent is undeniable, his potential immense, and his current, unclear next step is eagerly anticipated by many across the footballing landscape.

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  1. Can’t understand why we never got price sorted cause only way you would buy is if he improved thus Norwich would up the price but up to player to prove he is wanting move yes player has a big say I can’t see Norwich holding him and new manager will be desperate for cash £5million for a player that was not in there squad after all he is not first pick for Celtic yes he has the tools but has to learn to use them Rodgers is the man to do this and idau will know it no need forCeltic to rush in English think spl league aren’t as good as championship if he does well in international tournament in Germany his price could be false



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