HomeFeatured ArticlesGoldbridge Slams Southgate Rumors for Manchester United

Goldbridge Slams Southgate Rumors for Manchester United

Southgate to Manchester United? Fans React to Rumors

The recent episode of The United Stand podcast, hosted by Mark Goldbridge, has ignited a heated discussion among Manchester United fans regarding the potential appointment of Gareth Southgate as the club’s manager. With passionate reactions from both Goldbridge and the fans, the podcast delved into the concerns and opinions surrounding this possible managerial change.

Mark Goldbridge’s Take on Southgate

Mark Goldbridge did not hold back his feelings about the speculation surrounding Gareth Southgate. Describing the situation as “scary times,” Goldbridge emphasized the frustration and fear among fans, attributing it to weak leadership from INEOS. He stated, “This is weak leadership from INEOS because the decision should have been made and communicated already.”

Goldbridge expressed disbelief over Southgate’s potential candidacy, highlighting the admiration INEOS figures have for him, including Dan Ashworth and David Brailsford. He remarked, “Dan Ashworth worked with Gareth Southgate for a decade and loves him. David Brailsford loves him. They really like Gareth Southgate.”

Fans’ Reactions to the Speculation

The fans were equally vocal about their opinions. One United fan, nicknamed Goldo, humorously stated,

“I’d rather put my balls in a cement mixer than get Southgate.”

This sentiment was echoed by many, who questioned the logic behind considering Southgate for the managerial role. Goldbridge reinforced this frustration, saying, “You can’t argue with the fact that INEOS like him and he’s on the list.”

Concerns Over Southgate’s Coaching Abilities

Goldbridge and the fans criticised Southgate’s coaching credentials, pointing to his perceived failures with the England national team. Goldbridge bluntly stated, “He’s destroyed England’s chances in the last two tournaments and if he doesn’t win this one, he’s an absolute prat.” He further elaborated on Southgate’s inadequacies, labeling him a “crap coach” and arguing that his style of play does not align with Manchester United’s identity.

The Broader Implications

The potential appointment of Southgate has led to broader concerns about the club’s direction and decision-making process. Goldbridge questioned the competence of the club’s decision-makers, stating, “What collection of pratts have we got on that board if they think Southgate is a Man United guy?” He stressed that Manchester United should not settle for a manager who lacks the necessary credentials and understanding of the club’s identity.


As the debate continues, the podcast episode highlighted the deep-seated concerns among Manchester United fans regarding the potential appointment of Gareth Southgate. With passionate reactions from both Mark Goldbridge and the fans, it is clear that any decision to appoint Southgate would face significant scrutiny and opposition. The call for decisive and effective leadership from INEOS remains strong, as fans eagerly await clarity on the club’s managerial future.

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