HomePL - TeamsArsenalAlan Smith: Douglas Luiz to Transform Arsenal's Midfield

Alan Smith: Douglas Luiz to Transform Arsenal’s Midfield

Arsenal’s Summer Transfer Strategy: A Crucial Juncture

.Alan Smith, in an insightful interview with Gambling Zone, emphasised the necessity for Arsenal to act swiftly this summer. “We haven’t seen much transfer activity so far and that’s because of the Euros. All the players understandably want to concentrate on the tournament,” Smith noted, highlighting the delicate timing of transfer negotiations amidst a major international tournament.

Arsenal, under Edu and Arteta, has been known for its decisive early business. Smith praised this approach, saying, “They certainly haven’t been waiting until the last day or week.” The addition of a “big, imposing striker,” could provide the variety in attack Arsenal needs. Smith’s confidence in Edu’s efficiency in transfer dealings is reassuring: “I’ve got a lot of confidence in Edu and his team. They’ve been shown to be very efficient in their business.”

Strengthening the Midfield: The Douglas Luiz Factor

Arsenal’s midfield is another area ripe for reinforcement, with Aston Villa’s Douglas Luiz emerging as a prime candidate. Smith offered a comprehensive assessment of Luiz’s potential impact, particularly concerning Declan Rice’s role. “I don’t think Arsenal want to change Rice’s game. He did so well playing on the left side of the centre,” Smith remarked, suggesting that Luiz could fulfill the deep-lying role previously held by Thomas Partey.

Luiz’s development under Unai Emery has been noteworthy. “He’s shown that he can take on those strict orders of Emery,” Smith commented, underscoring Luiz’s discipline and adaptability. The possible departure of Partey would indeed create an opening that Luiz is well-suited to fill, making him a strategic addition to the squad.

Arteta’s Contract: Securing Stability

One of the most critical moves Arsenal could make this summer is securing a new contract for Mikel Arteta. Smith highlighted the significance of this potential signing: “It’s very important for Arsenal and Arteta to agree fresh terms. You want that continuity now because things are obviously on the uphill curve.” Arteta’s tenure has seen the club clear out unwanted players and bring in key figures, setting the stage for a more robust squad capable of challenging for titles.

Arteta’s relative youth and ongoing growth as a manager are pivotal. “He’s still learning as a manager,” Smith pointed out, reminding us of the importance of patience and support for the promising manager. A renewed contract would symbolize the club’s commitment to long-term stability and ambition.

The Enigma of Enzo Maresca at Chelsea

Shifting focus to Chelsea, the appointment of Enzo Maresca as manager presents an intriguing scenario. Smith candidly described the move as a “gamble,” given Maresca’s limited experience at the top level. Despite his success at Leicester, transitioning to Chelsea’s high-pressure environment will be a significant test. “He will need to be strong,” Smith stated, acknowledging the challenges Maresca faces in managing Chelsea’s extensive and star-studded squad.

Maresca’s tactical approach, characterized by a possession-based game, has its critics and admirers. Smith recalled the frustrations of Leicester fans but also the eventual success of Maresca’s methods. “He stuck to his guns, and it paid off in the end,” Smith observed. The coming season will reveal whether Maresca can adapt his style effectively in the Premier League and navigate the complexities of Chelsea’s management structure.

Conclusion: A Summer of Strategic Moves

This summer promises to be a defining period for Arsenal and Chelsea. The Gunners’ pursuit of a striker and Luiz, coupled with securing Arteta’s future, could solidify their squad for upcoming challenges. Conversely, Chelsea’s gamble on Maresca introduces an element of unpredictability. As Smith astutely put it, “We’re all looking on with interest on that one to see how it pans out.” The transfer window is a time of both opportunity and risk, and the actions taken in these weeks will resonate throughout the season.

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