HomeFeatured ArticlesRasmus Hojlund Reflects on 'Frustrating' Manchester United Season

Rasmus Hojlund Reflects on ‘Frustrating’ Manchester United Season

Rasmus Hojlund Reflects on Challenging Start to Manchester United Career

Adapting to the Premier League

Rasmus Hojlund, the young striker for Manchester United, has opened up about his challenging start in the Premier League, describing the experience as “frustrating.” Despite the pressure of a £72m price tag and an existing back injury that delayed his debut, Hojlund’s journey has been a testament to perseverance and resilience. His early struggles in the league, juxtaposed with his impressive Champions League performance, highlight the contrasting demands of different competitions.

Struggles and Breakthrough

Hojlund’s first Premier League goal took longer than expected, not coming until his 15th match. Reflecting on this period, he told Tipsbladet, “It took some time for me to get going in the Premier League, but I think I’ve caught up quite well. I feel like I’ve found my rhythm.” His frustration was palpable as he continued, “It was a frustrating time leading up to my first goal in the Premier League because I felt there was a lot of focus on it. I felt that more energy could have been spent on the fact that I was the top scorer in the Champions League.”

Photo: IMAGO

Despite the initial drought, Hojlund’s second half of the season was a different story. He finished the campaign with ten league goals, all scored in the final 16 games, demonstrating his ability to adapt and thrive under pressure. “When I scored against Aston Villa [on Boxing Day], I felt like the curse had lifted a bit. It was a good day because I scored my first goal, and we beat a really good team,” he said.

Handling Media Scrutiny

Adjusting to the intense media scrutiny that comes with playing for a club as prominent as Manchester United has been another challenge for Hojlund. From being followed by photographers to dealing with speculative articles, he has had to develop a thick skin. He specifically addressed an article from the Manchester Evening News suggesting that his teammates were reluctant to pass to him, stating, “I don’t understand such an article. I feel like I get the ball if I’m in the right positions. I would have liked to get the ball a bit more sometimes, but that’s just not always possible.”

Hojlund emphasized the importance of filtering out the noise and focusing on what matters. “You have to filter the stories because 90-95 per cent of them are nonsense. I had to learn to sort through them, because there’s not much else I can do other than put them on ice,” he explained. This ability to ignore the distractions has been crucial in maintaining his focus on the pitch.

Pressure of Playing for Manchester United

The pressure of playing for Manchester United is immense, and Hojlund acknowledges the constant scrutiny that comes with it. “You feel an incredible amount of pressure when you’re at Manchester United. There are eyes on you all the time, on and off the pitch, because the club is so huge. It takes some time to get used to it, but I feel like I’ve found my rhythm,” he said.

Photo: IMAGO

This constant attention extends beyond the pitch, affecting his everyday life. Hojlund recounted an early experience in Manchester, saying, “I remember one of the first days when I was walking around the city with my girlfriend, and there were paparazzi photographers on the street. I thought, ‘Wow, do people really care to see pictures of me just walking around?’ Apparently, you can make a lot of show and both good and bad stories out of that.”

Despite the challenges, Hojlund remains grateful for the opportunity to play at such a high level, although he misses the simplicity of a more private life. “I’ve always wanted to get here, and it’s not that it isn’t great, but there is definitely also a downside. You don’t have the same freedom in your vocabulary and generally in everyday life. You can’t always say what’s on your mind, because it can be taken out of context,” he shared.


Rasmus Hojlund’s journey at Manchester United has been marked by early challenges, media scrutiny, and immense pressure. However, his determination and ability to adapt have seen him overcome these obstacles, finishing the season on a high note. As he continues to find his rhythm, Hojlund’s experiences offer a glimpse into the highs and lows of life as a professional footballer at one of the world’s most famous clubs. Credit to Tipsbladet for providing insights into Hojlund’s reflections and journey.

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