HomeFeatured ArticlesMark Goldbridge: Why Ten Hag Must Stay at Man United

Mark Goldbridge: Why Ten Hag Must Stay at Man United

Ten Hag’s Man United: A New Era of Determination and Resilience

In a recent episode of the That’s Entertainment! Podcast, Mark Goldbridge and his fellow contributors delve into the significant changes Erik ten Hag has brought to Manchester United. The discussion focuses on Ten Hag’s strategies, the team’s current standing, and the importance of his stay at Old Trafford.

Ten Hag’s Tactical Revolution

Erik ten Hag’s arrival at Manchester United marked the beginning of a tactical revolution. Goldbridge emphasises, “Ten Hag has implemented a system that emphasises high pressing and quick transitions, which has revitalised the squad.” The team’s renewed vigour and tactical discipline are evident in their recent performances, highlighting Ten Hag’s impact. His emphasis on maintaining a high defensive line and controlling possession has transformed United into a formidable force, as discussed in the podcast.

Building a Resilient Squad

One of the critical aspects of Ten Hag’s approach is building a resilient squad capable of competing at the highest levels. “The resilience in this team is something we haven’t seen in years,” Goldbridge notes. This sentiment is echoed by other contributors who highlight how Ten Hag has fostered a sense of unity and determination within the team. The show delves into specific instances where United’s newfound resilience was on display, such as their comebacks in crucial matches.

Photo: IMAGO

The Importance of Ten Hag’s Stay

A significant portion of the discussion revolves around the importance of Ten Hag staying at Manchester United. “Keeping Ten Hag is crucial for our long-term success,” Goldbridge asserts, pointing out that stability in management is key to sustaining the progress made under his tenure. Goldbridge adds, “If we want to build a dynasty, Ten Hag must stay and continue his work.” The show underscores the necessity of providing Ten Hag with the time and resources to fully implement his vision for the club.

Key Contributions and Insights

Goldbridge said, “Ten Hag’s focus on youth development is crucial for our future. He’s not just building a team for today but for the next decade.” This focus on long-term planning and youth development is a recurring theme in the discussion, illustrating Ten Hag’s holistic approach to managing the club.

The show also features discussions on how Ten Hag has managed to extract the best out of players like Bruno Fernandes and Marcus Rashford. “Fernandes has become the heartbeat of this team under Ten Hag,” says Goldbridge, highlighting the midfielder’s improved performances. Similarly, Rashford’s resurgence is attributed to the confidence and tactical clarity provided by the manager.


The That’s Entertainment! Podcast episode on Erik ten Hag’s impact at Manchester United provides a comprehensive look at how the Dutch manager has transformed the club. From tactical innovations to building a resilient squad and emphasising long-term development, Ten Hag’s influence is profound. As Goldbridge and his fellow contributors argue, ensuring Ten Hag’s stay at Old Trafford is vital for maintaining and building on the progress made so far.

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  1. I’m not even going to bother to dismember what clearly is a superficial and badly constructed attempt at justifying Ten Hag’s retention. Its about as meaningful as one of those political leaflets we’re all going to have to suffer dozens of in the next few weeks. Its cheap propaganda.

    One only has to look at his comments about Rashford (who clearly has been going through a great deal) to see they’re are about as realistic as Ten Hag’s comments about ‘progress’ and the simple fact is most of the key characteristics identified are standard practice used by most if not all managers if they can achieve it which if Ten Hag eschewed any of them he would probably never work in football again.

    The analysis basically congratulates Ten Hag for adopting an approach that most if not all managers will try to achieve. Then Goldbridge seems to pretend this season didn’t happen.

    What part of “THE WORST SEASON IN 35 YEARS” does Goldbridge not get?

    United went backwards last season. That fact alone tells you Ten Hag failed not just on one or two aspects of his job but most aspects of it. Add that that the clear lack of motivation and absence of any identifiable system for the most part of the season suggests Ten Hag implementation of his key characteristics has been poor to say the least. He hasn’t really got a leg to stand on.

    Even if you buy the injury argument, Van Gaal had a worse injury crisis in 2015/2016 and made a far better attempt at overcoming it, coming 5th in the league and missing out on UCL qualification on goal difference, than Ten Hag has this season. Rather Ten Hag has hidden behind the injuries to avoid adapting his approach and whilst belatedly (and far too late IMO) the system and approach have been changed we cannot be sure with the arrival of Jason Wilcox to oversee Ten Hag whether Ten Hag himself was the driver for those changes or whether it was at the prompting of Wilcox.

    Goldberg’s view is little more than a piece of rather desperate straw clutching.

    And they wonder why so many think of ‘influencers’ with such disdain……


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